
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Disney Magical Kingdom (Orlando) - Turkey Leg

Huge $8 Turkey Legs are a must try in Disney Land and we have been keeping an eye out for it the whole day. It was always at the end that we spotted it and we were starting to get hungry after the exhausting walk around the park and the lunch here are pretty much non-existent. Super Excited =P

I was expecting a big turkey leg but it was HUGE

Ben's first bite... 
I was expecting something overly cook and fairly dry and wanted to get this mainly for photo opt, but it was actually pretty tasty and have a smokey flavor
Done... fill the both of us up

It was so hot, we decided to get something icy....  bad choice =(
Was very artificial tasting.

Main Street Bakery
Decided to go in for a treat before we leave since it smell so good each time we pass by...

 We got a bread pudding..... HORRIBLE !!!


  1. That's probably the largest turkey leg I've ever seen! Glad that it tasted good too (unlike everything else on this post)~ At least it filled u up!

  2. aww man when i went to orlando it was with my mom so didn't get to try out any good food we ate pretty much asian food lol

    man that turkey is humongous

  3. After walking in the park all day long in the humid weather... Idon't think you venture far for specific restaurant anyways =P heh, fgoing with parents almost means FREE, so it's ok since I've to pay for myself =P
