
Monday, April 4, 2011

Porchetta & Co. ^(@@)^

Porchetta & Co. have the Best Sandwich I ever have and there's no wonder why there's so much buzz about this small place where they only serve pork solder. And I can't believe I'm saying this but it's even way better than Macau's porkchop bun 澳門豬扒包 (even better than the best one from Macau's  Tai Lei Loi Kei) and that's a lot coming from me (cause each time I went back to Hong Kong, I'll go to Macau and one of the reason is their porkchop bun)......

From Porchetta & Co. website, ♥ their step by step explanation as to how it's made

Love the simple menu

 Look at pork shoulder, the crispy skin + the thin layer of fat + prosciutto + meat + the smell drifting out as you walk in

 Super strong and yummy  Mustard.... ♥ it a lot & need one at home
from their website I learn that it's Kolik's Mustard

 My Porchetta Sandwich w/ rapini
 ~ since this is my first time there, I didn't want to overpower the pork and choose the rapini as topping.
It was definitely a good decision since the pork flavor was so good / intense / moist + the different texture of the meat / fat / crispy rind (skin).... 
and even the bun was pillowy soft yet with a slight crispiness just on the outside
So Good !!! I would say it's on my Top 3 fave/best sandwich list.

Porchetta Plate (5oz of porchetta + side of Baked Romano Beans)
We decided to order the palte to try out since we would like to try the beans too.... I was expecting a little more meat than that, it's actually around the same amount as the sandwich, but next time I would stick with the sandwich since I think it's a bit too meaty-oily on it own, much better with the bread (^_^)

Even the baked beans were  full of the intense pork flavor and love how we good 3 extra pieces of the crispy pork rind (skin) on top

It's really not for the faint of heart, look at the pork fat left on the plate... imagine what we ate =P
There's only 6 seats and it's a good idea to bring home if you live close by or maybe in the car ?
Cause we were definitely thinking of eating in the car when we arrive with all 6 seats taken.... but we were lucky that a couple was just leaving when we were ordering

For those of you who doesn't know what a Macau's porkchop bun 澳門豬扒包 looks like, here's a picture taken last year during my trip to Macau
♥ their name card

Verdict :
You won't find it boring even w/ only one item, it's very very satisfying
Will do back very very soon..... MUST TRY !!!
On my fave sandwich list

Porchetta & Co on Urbanspoon


  1. So much fatty meat in that sandwich! SO GOOD! WOW it looks amazing. wow wow wow. I need to go soon! :S

  2. yes, go go go... just thinking back make me want to have one right now =D LOL

  3. awesome pix...great post reading it makes me wanna go again

  4. have been wanting to go forever but sth else always comes was after seeing your post that gave me a kick to finally go there

  5. yay! you've been converted! haha isn't it awesome when you find a great place nearby ;D
