
Sunday, May 15, 2011

Delicious Restaurant 好清香

Delicious Restaurant 好清香 is the type of restaurant that I crave from time to time. It's located on Hwy 7, Richmond Hill which is very convenient located and I'm so glad that they extended their opening hours, I remember that a few years back they only open a few hours a day.

Sticky Rice wrapped in Bamboo leaves 鹹肉粽
This is their signature dish and also my favorite one which I fing myself returning for it again and again. You normally need to dip it in soy sauce or sugar but the ones here are so flavorful on it own that you need none. Please go early cause on some busy weekends, it sells out quite early.
Best  鹹肉粽 in Toronto =D

Look at how piping hot it is w/ melt in your mouth fatty pork belly, chestnuts, Chinese mushroom, egg yolk and dried shrimps

Bak kut teh 肉骨茶
The direct transaction is "meat bone tea" which is a very popular Chinese soup throughout Asia. It consist of teh simplest ingredients such as meaty pork ribs simmered in a broth of herbs and spices like star anise, cinnamon, cloves, fennel seeds and garlic for hours
It's normally served with tofu puffs or fried dough stick 油炸鬼 and let it sock up the soup. In this case it's the dough stick which I prefer. It's not the best I've had but there's barely any place in Toronto that serve this.

Pork Hock w/ vermicelli  豬米粉
The rice noodle is infused with the sauce and I bet the pork hock have been stewed for many hours for it to be that tender

Ginger Glazed Chicken Wings in Hot Pot 子姜雞翼
 This is served pipping hot with just a tad of spiciness from the ginger which goes perfectly with the sweetness of the sauce. 
The skin of the chicken wings is seared to a crispy finish and glazed with the thick sweet sugar sauce

Verdict :
♥ this place, Chinese Comfort food at it's best.
I always buy their Flower Chestnut Jelly 桂花馬蹄膏 home which is super refreshing and not too sweet.

Delicious Food on Urbanspoon 


  1. Ok wow. With all the burgers I've had today, I'm craving everything on this post! Nothing beats Chinese food at the end of the day...warms the heart :)

  2. You should try their HUGE fish balls stuffed with minced meat and their fish noodles to.... so good =D!/photo.php?fbid=10150265961760402&set=a.10150265955075402.496809.544285401&type=1&theater

  3. Ya the fishballs are so BIG.

    OMG kiki how can you finish all that food. That's almost their entire menu there....

  4. LOL, I always want to order the entire menu at every restaurant to try everything... but most of the time that's not possible wallet wise =P but i usually over ordered... but thanks to my bf for finishing everything most of the time =P
