
Friday, July 8, 2011

Montreal & Quebec Tour - Day 1

As I've mention, my Dad came over to visit so we decided to join a 3 day Tai Pan Montreal & Quebec Bus tour. First stop is Kingston. Basically both me and Ben have been to those places already so it's mostly for my Dad... if it was just us, we would have drive and go on a eating tour on our own =P

 I look pretty sleepy on all of day 1 pictures since I slept at 3:30am the night before and had a slight hangover after the epic wedding here
And the weather didn't help, it was cold, windy and light rain all day long

Our Lunch of the day, extra peppers on mine (spice = my cure to hangover) =P

2nd stop : Parliament Hills; Ottawa

3rd stop : Museum of Civilizations

Had a special Japanese expo happening at the musuem

so cute  o(^_^)o

These just bring back memories =D

 Went to the supermarket before retiring to our room in Montreal and yes, they are allow to sell alcohol in supermarket or convenience (wish it's the same in T.O).
La Fin du Monde, my fave beer and it's rarely available in Toronto =(


  1. Hi Kiki!~
    You still in mtl? If so you gotta check out Schwartz if you haven't already!!!

    Also just curious are you going to any restaurants for summerlicious? :)

  2. LOL, no I'm back.. I'm just behind on my post =P
    I didn't go to Schwartz this time but I have been before... but you should def try out Center Street Deli in Toronto, pretty good too:

    I'm going to Frank (AGO) tomorrow night and I also booked Frank's Not Here (always good and for $35, you get a yummy soup and steak), Corner House (mix review but have many choice so I want to see for myself how it is) and then finally book Drake Hotel for Lunch =D
    How about you, which one are you going ?

  3. Wow the lobster soup on Fred's Not Here menu sounds so yummy!

    I'm going to Bymark tomorrow night (super excited!!!) and I'll be going to Auberge du Pommier for lunch in a week. It's my first experience with Summerlicious so just went for the obvious places haha :P

    Have fun tomorrow!~

  4. I went to the summerlicious at Bymark last year and it was not that good... and I heard that Auberge is not that great during licious but ♥ their regular menu =P

  5. So went to Bymark yesterday and yea honestly don't think it's that good either kinda overly salty... how was Frank for you?

  6. Frank was horrible, I'm working on the post.
    One of the more popular restaurant that I have been for licious that was really good was Sassafraz, you should try that next time :
