
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Montreal & Quebec Tour - Day 2

After day one here, our 3 day adventures continue.

Day 2, 1st stop :  St Joseph`s Oratory
 Located on Mount Royal, Montreal, it`s the largest shrine in the world dedicated to St. Joseph.
 Just go to their website here for their history =)

 Canes, apparently people left it there after being heeled

 Love the stair outside =D

Old Montreal

♥ this building

Day 2,  2nd stop : Notre Dame Basilica

Day 2,  3rd stop :
On our way up to Montreal Tower in Olympia Village

Day 2,  4th and final stop : Old Quebec
♥ this place, I would like to go back and spend more time there. Maybe spend a whole afternoon on a patio to people watch

cute Toilettes sign (^_^)

I forgot to charge my camera battery, was running out by the end of the night =(

Outfit Details: 
Dress (from last year) & Sunglasses - F21; Bag -H&M; Boots - ZARA

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