
Monday, September 26, 2011


Plan to head over to Eaton Center for some shopping therapy that day and since there was traffic everywhere, we decided to park and find something to eat nearby. Bannock, the new O&B restaurant immediately came into mind.What's better than yummy Canadian Comfort food as it's getting colder (^_^)
And excuse me for the bad pictures since I was still getting used to my new camera (st day using it) =P

There was 2 separate section, a crab and go cafe section and a restaurant on the other

Split Pea Fritters
The fritters was rather dry and hard, shouldn't have order this =(
It's a rather small potion of salad 

Roast Duck Poutine Pizza
This was the main reason for my visit to Bannock, this was the buzz even before it opened =P
This was surprisingly good, the soft gravy-ed mushy fries and soft curds was a great contrast in texture to the cracker thin crispy crust. It was definitely not as filling as I expected it to be and I have to say I like it a lot. Will def. come back for this =P

Whitefish and Shrimp Cake + Chips
The different texture of the fish and the shrimp work so well together. It was very well seasoned and didn't really need the tartar

Warm S'mores pie
This is the ultimate S'mores with everything homemade from the graham crumbs, the brownie to the marshmallow (^V^) It's now on my list of yummy ooyee-gooyee dessert ♥

Verdict :
Yummy comfort food and love everything here (except for the fritters).
Will definitely go back for the pot pie and mac n cheese.

Bannock on Urbanspoon


  1. I love the picture of you and the cute! :) Anyway, yes, I ♥ the pizza too! Who would've thought right? Pizza and poutine totally works :) S'more pie was also very tasty!

  2. The s'more looks really delish! I will order the poutine pizza for sure when I visit Bannock!

  3. Yup, super delish =P Should do a s'more thing for desert for next year BBQ w/ non-supermarket marshmallow =P

  4. Looks amazing! If you go back try the back rib burger and the fish tacos - YUM. I need some of that poutine pizza.... looks delish! Great write up!

  5. OMG OMG OMG that poutine pizza looks freakin awsm and that dessert I WANT!!!!!!!

    great find kiki:)

  6. Nicki : Heard from Stella that the fish taco is good, was you there with her?! I was thinking of the back rib burger when we went too. Have to try both then =D

    EatHereNext: Yes, so good.... a must try
