
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Bier Markt #BeautifulBier [EVENT]

I was invited to The Bier Markt (@BierMarktEsplan)  #BeautifulBier event a few weeks ago to sample their Spring/Summer Collection of Beer together with some BBQ items and they couldn't have chosen a more perfect patio day.

 There was 4 beer on tap for sampling that night:

Hasseroder Pilsner  (exclusive to Bier Markt)
~  this was my least favorite although it was their feature beer, it's a very light and refreshing beer which I can see a lot of people loving it especially for hot summer patio days.


~ love this beer which has a very balanced body with a very hoppy taste and a bitter finish. It has some sort of pine taste to it which I like a lot. I personally like this best out of the 4 beer we sampled, so so that I end up buying a case from LCBO ;)

 ~ Tasted this at a wine show a week before and it's a great improvement to their regular IPA. It had a medium body, a little bit sweet with mild-mid hop flavor. Although I love beer and know what I like, I am def not a beer expert so I'm really doing my best to describe the flavors here.

 ~ This had a hoppy lemony and floral aroma to it... sweet & herbal, this was Ben's favorite while I personally didn't like the herb-y flavor but definitely a sucker for the cute gnomes design.

Executive Chef Michael Cipollo's Poulet au Bier (Beer Can Chicken) made from four different beers. Personally I can't taste the difference between the different beer but it was indeed very moist and tender but thought it was rather bland (more seasoning?!)

There was 3 sausages: Ontario Pork & Orange Zest, Lamb Merguez and Breton Pork & Fennel Sausage. I personally love the Pork & Fennel which had a little bit of a kick which was perfect with the Amsterdam Boneshaker IPA I was having at the time.

Mini Pretzel Baguette which had a lot of coarse salt on it, Ben thought it was too salty but I find it perfect with beer =P
Rosti Croquette was a cheesy potato deep fried ooyee gooyee goodness

 Prawn, potato & apple salad, isn't this the perfect dish which allow holding beer and food at the same time and have a free hand to actually eat. I am saying this is because it was a packed event, we didn't get a seat/table and their food wasn't one-hand-with-beer-and-eat-with-the-other-one-hand friendly.

Ben went back for 2nd serving of the beer can chicken

Verdict :
What better than having one of their beer on this patio?!
Great weather, great food & great beer
Bier Markt have more than 150 brand of beer from over 30 countries
*** This meal was complimentary. Opinions are my own***
Bier Markt - Esplanade on Urbanspoon

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