
Monday, March 3, 2014

Walter ~ All Natural Craft Caesar Mix

As you may have noticed, I love my Caesars and I was lucky enough to received 2 bottles of the newly launched Walter All-Natural Craft Caesar Mix (@waltercaesar).

Walter is made here in Canada in small batches with premium, real ingredients like vine-ripened tomatoes, select spices, grated horseradish, Worcestershire sauce, hot sauce, and clam juice from the North Atlantic. And unlike the other Caesars mix in Canada which is full of MSG, high fructose corn syrup and artificial colorings. 

I got a bottled each of Mildly Spiced and Well Spiced. It's pre-mixed with real grated horseradish, hot sauce, Worcestershire sauce, a few select spices, sea salt and cracked pepper. Drink on it's own or simply add a spirit of your choice.

 Walter really don't skim on their ingredients, it's extra dense and thick. After shaking it in a cocktail mixer with plenty on ice, I still find it way too thick so I'll recommend to add ice to your glass as well. For a spice lover like me, I thought it wasn't spicy enough for me, I had to add quite a few dash of hot sauce to it. I like to add a pickled bean or pepper with my Caesar.

Although at $8-9 per bottle for 725ml in a cute glass bottle, it's really not cheap but I find it very reasonably priced as well for an all-natural product. And due to it's thick consistency, more ice is needed with less of this mix which I guess the bottle can make 6-8 glasses easily.

 I also like making my own chili infused vodka for my Caesar, all you need to do is to cut up a few chili add to a bottle of vodka (or whatever clean glass container). Any chili peppers will do depending on the flavors and heat level that you like. Keep it air tight in the fridge from a week up to a month, the longer you kept the chili in the spicier and stronger it gets. Just filter out the chili when you felt it's yummy enough. I tried it with jalapeno the first time and found it not spicy enough, but it was perfect the second time with some red Thai chili peppers.

Love hand written personal note (^_^)

Verdict :
I think it's definitely worth the extra money to get a better all-natural Caesar mix.
You can definitely taste the difference.

*** Products are complimentary. All opinions are my own *** 

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