
Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Bang Bang Ice Cream [Dessert]

Have been a big fan of Bakerbots ice cream sandwich (see post here), so I was so glad that they open up
Bang Bang Ice Cream (Instagram: @bangbang_icecream) shop on Ossington which was a much more convenient location.

There was just a small sign by the window which you can easily missed and the space inside was rather bare and lack the cute touches compare to Bakerbots. Maybe it's not a permanent location?! Everything was very minimal... they had the ice cream selection on the buckets which I thought was a cute idea but not very as cute looking as it should be with some hand written paper stick on. A simple blackboard would have work and look much better.

Cookie wise they had the same selection as Bakerbots while they have a rotating ice cream selection.
 The Hong Kong waffle ้›ž่›‹ไป” display didn't look the best, so we skip on that (we are picky about that since we are HongKongers after all).

 SJCB Ice Cream Puff Sandwich $4.75
 The Sam James Coffee ice cream was just as good as ever although I am not a big fan of the puff which I thought was rather dry.

 Double Smoked Bourbon Bacon + Everything Cookie Sandwich $4.40
 Maybe because of the ingredient of the ice cream, it melted really fast and we couldn't get the sandwich off the wax paper. We end up having to scoop up the ice cream with the cookie.Maybe because of that I didn't enjoy it as much or the cookie is not as good as I remember.

Was a bit of a disappointment, the ice cream sadwich wasn't as good as I expected
Decor was lacking....
Will give it another chance but def prefer Bakerbots a lot more 

Bang Bang Ice Cream on Urbanspoon

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