
Monday, May 23, 2016

Pure Leaf Unsweetened Tea #TweakYourTea [Product/Recipes]

To celebrate the launch of Pure Leaf (Instagram: @pureleafcanada) unsweetened portfolio, I was asked to be part of their #TweakYourTea campaign where I had to create my own perfect Pure Leaf Tea combination with my own personal style.

 Pure Leaf is brewed from real tea leaves picked at their freshest to deliver a genuine tea experience. The Unsweetened Portfolio has 0 sugar, 0 artificial sweeteners and 0 calories.

I love creating my own simple cocktails during summer time and this was the perfect challenge for me. Plus being a tea lover, I usually brewed my own ice tea at home since I find the usual bottle/can ready made version out there to be too sweet to my taste but Pure Leaf tasted nothing like them.

Cucumber Mint Lemon Tea
 Ingredients: Cucumber / Fresh Mint Leaves / Honey / Ginger (optional) / Unsweetened Lemon Pure Leaf Tea / Egg White (optional) / Sake (optional)
Cucumber and Mint have always been two of my favorite summer flavors, I especially love infusing water or teas with it, there's nothing more refreshing on a hot day.
Here I muddles the mint leaves, cucumber and ginger before adding the rest of the ingredients to a shaker with ice but if you have time I would suggest to infused the tea with the cucumber and mint overnight in the fridge to incorporate the flavor more subtly without overpowering the tea flavor and also a clearer looking drink. 

Basil Balsamic Strawberry Black Tea Cocktail
 Ingredients: Strawberry / Fresh Basil Leaves / Balsamic Vinegar / Maple Syrup (optional) / Unsweetened Pure Leaf Black Tea / Tequila (optional)
Muddle the strawberries and basil leaves (tear it up to get extra flavor) directly in your shaker, add the balsamic with a light hand since you don't want your drink to taste like a salad dressing. Add the tea, tequila and ice to the shaker, shake, taste (add maple syrup or more balsamic as needed), use a fine mesh strainer when poured into glass and garnish with slice of strawberry and basil.

Blackberry Green Tea Mojito
 Ingredients: Blackberries / Mint / Lime / Sugar (optional) / Unsweetened Pure Leaf Green Tea / 
Rum (optional)
Mojito is one of my favorite cocktail to make at home during summer time since it's easy, refreshing with minimal cleaning involve. Put slices of lime, mint, blackberries and sugar directly in a glass and muddle to a pulp (more you muddle more flavors), then top it with tea, rum (optional) and ice. If you feel like a little bubble in your drink, feel free to add a splash of sparkling water or club soda.
Et Voila!!! Easy Breezy Mojito!!!
(you can basically use any fruits of your choice like strawberry, raspberries, peaches, watermelon etc)

Frankly you can switch the teas around in the above recipe and if you would let me redo it again, I will probably use the green tea for the 1st cucumber mint cocktail.
My Pure Leaf Unsweetened Tea Cocktails here are so easy, refreshing and light that I feel like the alcohol is really optional here.

How would you #TweakYourTea ? 

*** This is a sponsored post***

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