
Thursday, July 7, 2016

El Rincón de Alberto [Longrono - Spain]

First meal in Spain and our first stop was at the northern city of Longrono and this dinner was planed for us cause if it was up to us, I think we'll never have found this place on our own.

The small space is pretty common around that area for tapas places but they have tables set up for sit down dinner here although we saw mostly people dropping by the bar for drinks and 1-2 tapas only.

Although the menu are in Spanish, they tried to translate everything for us as best as they could and gave us some recommendation as well.

Since we won this part of the trip from Campo Viejo Winery, we just have to have their wine. Love this super affordable and easy drinking Rioja Reserva which is also available in Canada at the LCBO.

White Asparagus
Mostly from the northern Spain Navarra region, we were just in time for White Asparagus season which are only from April to June. Although Ontario Canada being a big producer of Asparagus, we do not have the white variety due to how labor intensive it is to grow. White Asparagus are more tender and sweeter in taste in comparison, so it's perfect just to simply cook it it some olive oil and garlic and let it's natural taste be the star.

Gamba Blance (Shrimp)
Fresh, simple and perfectly cooked...but they sprinkled way too much salt on it which was too overpowering, had to mop if off.

Anchoas del Cantabrico
Pan fried fresh anchovies dip in an thin egg batter with barely there salt or seasoning, all you can basically taste is the freshness of the fish.... first time having anchovies that are this fresh instead of the usual overly salty or sour (vinegar-y) ones.

Cocochas di Merluza (Hake Fish Jowl)
Our favorite dish of the night, so tender and slippery smooth. Definitely the most tender part of the fish and so fresh, we'll never get this dish here in Toronto.

Callos de Ternera (Beef Tripe)
One of the popular Spanish dishes, I just had to order it as soon as I see it on the menu. This was super flavorful and a lot stronger in flavor compare to the previous dishes. You will totally want to mop up the sauce with bread and the tripe itself was super tender.
Side Note: Bread are usually served throughout the meal in Spain, most of their dishes are meant to be eaten with bread. And feel free to request to refill your bread basket any time...

Jamon de bellota iberico 
First night in Spain and we just can't wait to start our Iberico Ham overdosing since we can not bring this back with us.

Love the simple yet perfectly cook ingredients.
The best tasting best cooked White Asparagus we had during this entire Spain dish.
Love the friendly and attentive service.
Wish I could have the fish jowl again, so good.

Related Posts - Spain:
El Rincon de Alberto [Longrono - Spanish Cuisine]
Zuberoa Restaurant [Gipuzkoa/San Sebastian]
Restaurante Kokotxa [San Sebastian]
Campo Viejo Winery [Longrono]
Laguardia [Walled Town - Visit]
La Boqueria Mercat [Barcelona]
Can Sole [Seafood - Barcelona]
La Cova Fumada [Barcelona - Loca Eats]

1 comment:

  1. Really want to try, but Longrono seem not a place for tour.
